Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Year '08

So this is my first post of the year. But unfortunately, my mind is totally blank today and I don't know what I should write about. It is one of those days, when you want to write something but can't think of anything.

Sometimes it is the other way around. In the sense, you have so many things in your mind that you want to express in words but unfortunately at that point you don't have any means to write it down. It happens to me sometimes when I am driving back home. Suddenly, something runs through my brain and I want to write it down but sadly can't, atleast not till the time I reach home. And then, when I reach home, the thoughts are not so profound as they were when I was driving. Finally, I end up not writing anything!!

1 comment:

Pradeep Bhat said...

Its been a long time since i got to read new posts by you. Please keep writing the wonderful stuff. Its feels good reading.