Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Next Prez: The next big soap opera

From the past few days, newspapers and TV news channels have been hysterically covering the news of who is going to be our next President. This seems to be a sequel to the equally excruciating cricket coach saga. I fail to understand what is all this hue and cry about?

To be honest, do we really care who is going to be our next President? Will that bring any change in our lives? After all President of India is nothing more than a wax figure at Madam Tussauds. How does it matter whether he/she has the right qualifications or not when we know for sure that the Prez's job profile requires nothing more than cutting ribbons, attending high profile parties, visiting different countries as a goodwill ambassador.

In a country like ours where we vote criminals and uneducated village bumpkins to power and make them ministers, handing them the power to carve the future of our nation, I don't think it hardly matters who our President will be.

Mr. Kalam, you might be one of the most brilliant men in this country but as long as I and my fellow countryman keep voting for people like Lalu, you are nothing more than a showpiece. I guess you can contribute much more to our country by probably becoming a scientific advisor or something.

In short, bring on the Patils, the Shekhawats or the Mukherjees. We just don't care, damn it !!

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